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Safe food from the sea

Find out how we quality assure the products that you buy in the shop, how you can trace your dinner and what role aquaculture can play in the future.

We work hard at all stages of the value chain to ensure that our products are safe for consumers, and as a fully integrated seafood supplier we are able to keep control of and quality assure our products throughout the value chain. That enables us to meet the ever increasing demands of the seafood market for traceability, food safety, product quality, cost efficiency, sustainability and continuity of supply.


We trace all of our products, which means you can follow their journey right from the sea pen and boat through to their final destination: you, the customer. Our aim is to provide information to consumers and be fully transparent about our salmon production, and as part of that process we have launched the website in partnership with NorgesGruppen for the Norwegian market. There you can easily trace where the salmon on your dinner plate comes from, as well as learning about our range.


“Eco-friendly and profitable operations supplying healthy food from sustainable stocks in the cleanest sea waters in the world.” That is our stated main goal in relation to the environment and sustainability. Throughout the year, we monitor the greenhouse gas emissions from our production.

Read more: Lerøy Seafood Group's sustainability report

For aquaculture, we have several highly skilled technical teams focusing on different areas: the environment and safety; fish health; RAS/post-smolts; cleaner fish; and technology. We are continuously striving to improve fish health and prevent salmon lice, and we have achieved significant success. We want to avoid salmon lice infestations at our fish farms, as well as move away from using chemicals to combat them.

«Eco-friendly and profitable operations supplying healthy food from sustainable stocks in the cleanest sea waters in the world.»

Fish feed

We require our suppliers of fish feed to ensure that the raw ingredients they use are managed well. That means the ingredients in the feed must be fished or harvested ethically, legally and sustainably. We also demand that these raw ingredients are traceable and within the quotas for the area in question. Raw ingredients must be certified to the standards of the International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO) or the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

Food safety

Over the course of our long history, we have developed a quality assurance system with routines and procedures to ensure that our products are safe, good and of the very highest quality. We set high standards, perform regular analyses and conduct between 250 and 300 audits each year.

As part of our work on food safety, each year we perform various contingency planning and recall tests. The Lerøy Group employs a variety of certification standards, including ISO 14001, Global Gap, ASC, MSC, Krav/Debio and BRC.

Read more: Our certifications

Need less feed

Compared with other sources of animal protein, fish need less feed per kilo of growth, their production facilities are small and they are adaptable.

The aquaculture of the future

Due to population growth, food production will need to continue growing in the future.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that around 9 billion people will live on our planet in 2050. That implies we need to increase food production by around 30 percent.

Compared with other sources of animal protein, fish need less feed per kilo of growth, their production facilities are small and they are adaptable. Increasing seafood production is therefore a great way to ensure that the people of the world get enough food in the future.